Avoid Putting Out the Welcome Mat for Identity Theft Thieves
In today’s world of the technology, it is certainly not uncommon for millions and millions of consumers to be spending a fair amount of time on the Internet.
While that can be beneficial in a number of ways, it can also open up the door to possible danger, especially financial.
In a day and age when cyber-criminals are prowling the worldwide web in search of their next victims, it is important that consumers, business owners etc. practice due diligence when using the Internet.
Essentially what it all boils down to, don’t put out a welcome mat for identity theft thieves.
Put up a Firewall to Deter Online Criminals
If online security has not been a top priority of yours up to this point, change that as you move forward.
There are a number of ways to go about protecting you and your finances online.
These include:
- Proven line of defense – First and foremost, be sure you have the proper line of defense in place to severely lessen the odds that identity theft thieves will be able to penetrate your computer. You can click here to learn more about how you go about finding the best online security provider for your personal and/or business needs. Keep in mind that any line of online defense is typically being tested by cyber-criminals on a regular basis. That said your chosen line of defense must be able to stay one step ahead of identity theft thieves at all times. If it can’t, it just takes one mistake on your part or that of your server security system to open the door to trouble;
- Don’t download questionable attachments – How many times a day do you typically receive requests from people (oftentimes spammers) to download items? If you were to say half-a-dozen or even more, you probably would not be exaggerating things. While your computer’s spam folders oftentimes catch many such requests, some will slip through to your main email address or addresses. The bottom line; make sure you never download an attachment that even remotely looks suspicious. When in doubt, simply throw it out. In doing so, you lessen the chances that an identity theft thief will penetrate your computer system. If an identity theft thief does get through, he or she has the potential to make money online off of you. Remember, you want to be the one making and keeping your money, not letting some criminal do it;
- Avoid sharing personal items – Another gaffe that computer users oftentimes make is accidentally or purposefully sharing personal items online. In doing so, they once again open the door to potential trouble. Any online personal banking matters must be done in a totally secure environment. If you suspect even the least bit that your connection is not fully secure (this can be at home if you downloaded a suspicious email, you are traveling in using a computer connection in a hotel or motel, you are using an Internet connection at a coffee shop or library etc.), take precautions and wait until you are at a connection you truly feel safe with. Another area where you should never be too personal online is alerting the world when you plan to be away from your residence, even if it is just for a few days at a time. In doing so, you let identity theft thieves and other online criminals know that you are away, leaving your residence vulnerable to a break-in. You may not be so much worried about cyber-criminals, but some of them can be in cahoots with burglars or robbers, people who could easily break into your home when you’re gone. Lastly, if you let your child or children use a home computer, make sure he or she also keeps quiet with any personal details. This is not only for their safety, but the safety of the family in general.
With all that you stand to lose from an identity theft thief getting ahold of your personal/financial information, make a concentrated effort to cut them off at the pass.
When you do that, you all but avoid putting out the welcome mat for them.