Best charities to support in Colorado
Many of us are fortunate to have the things we do in life. If you are reading this in a warm home with plenty of food in your cupboards, you have much to be thankful for.
Needless to say, there are others who dream they could have the lives of those who constantly complain about how they don’t access to the latest gadgets.
Lloyd Claycomb worked hard to achieve the success he has attained in his life. By the same token, however, he remembers that not everyone has it as good or gets as lucky as he has gotten in life.
As such, he has prioritized charitable giving and philanthropy to share some of the profits he has made through his company, United Builders Service.
Live in CO and want to follow Lloyd’s good example? This short list will connect you with some of the best charities in the state.
1) Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver
The Colorado chapter of a charity that provides housing for families whose children are laid up in children’s hospitals, this charity provides an invaluable service to those who are stretched to the limit financially.
While donating is always an option, they also accept volunteers to check in families, perform light cleaning duties, and to cook meals for those staying in this special place.
2) Mile High United Way
While we have a thriving market economy in Colorado and across America, the gains aren’t always equally spread around to everyone. Some fall through the cracks, but they should not be doomed to wallow in poverty indefinitely.
The Mile High United Way tackles this issue in the Denver area, as it provides services to meet the basic needs of families and individuals below the poverty line.
It helps children to learn basic educational skills they may have fallen behind on, and they do their best to try and coach people to get better paying jobs.
Volunteers can do outreach to the homeless, help out at fundraising events, and help manage holiday parties for children.
3) Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
An old favorite of Lloyd’s, Habitat for Humanity aims to tackle the lack of housing for low income residents, one new home at a time.
Financial donations cover the cost of land purchases, materials, and subsidies that enable home recipients to pay down an affordable mortgage.
Volunteer opportunities mean you get to put your building skills to good use in raising up a home over the course of a weekend. If homelessness grinds your gears, this organization will help you do something about it.
4) Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver
Want to prevent at-risk children from falling into a situation that risks them getting involved in crime or other dangerous situations?
When you support the Boys & Girls Club, you are doing just this, as it allows kids with no parent available to pick them up after school a place to hang out that is safe.
Whether you donate, participate in a fundraising event, or volunteer as an activity leader, you’ll help grow the next generation of responsible adults through your actions.