How to Make Sure You Use Modern Technology and Communication Methods to Your Advantage
Social media is a fantastic tool that enables businesses to raise their corporate image, share ideas, find new talent, source customers, and more. However, there are some regulatory and legal issues that you must be aware of. This is something that Matt Knouff has been researching and has provided the following report on, focusing particularly on ethics.
1. You Must Use Common Sense
The Roman lyrical poet Horace said some 2000 years ago: “Delere licebit quod non edideris, nescit vox missa reverti.” This means “You can destroy what you haven’t published, once out the word can never be recalled.” This just goes to show how far ahead of his time Horace was! Essentially, before you post anything online, you need to check it and check it again. It is all too easy to quickly post something only to find that it was really insulting to a certain population group, or that it was riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.
2. The Rules Haven’t Changed
While Twitter, blogging, and social networking sites may be new, they still follow older regulations and laws. You are not allowed to share personal information, libel others, give away company secrets, be in breach of copyright, or do anything else that would be classed as criminal. It is very important, therefore, to make sure you aren’t breaking any laws before you share anything.
3. Focus on Maintaining Confidence
Confidentiality is hugely important. People can forgive businesses for a lot of things, but not for breaches of confidentiality. Do not write about your customers, and do not share their information.
4. Focus on Trust
Social media can help you to build trust with your customers. However, make a mistake, and this can backfire completely. Work together with companies you actually want to be associated with, be ethical, be respectful, and, most of all, be respectful.
5. The Days of Sales Tactics Are Gone
Nobody trusts a salesman and people now know that it is easier than ever for them to simply go elsewhere for the same products, perhaps even at a better price. As a business, you want to sell products or services, but you can no longer do this the way you did before. Now, it is about getting people to want to collaborate with you as a business, regardless of your actual product or service.
6. Don’t Be Formal
You can be formal on your terms and conditions page, or other such areas. However, on social media, your blog, and your website, formality is a deal breaker. People are used to being social online nowadays, even outside of social media pages. This means being on the same level as others, rather than having formality in place.
7. Make Good on Your Promises
This should make sense. If you promise something, stick to your word. If you don’t, the whole world will know about it very quickly.
8. Learn about Social Media Technology
Last but not least, if you don’t know how certain platforms work or how you should use them to your advantage, don’t use them at all. Get an expert in instead so that you don’t destroy your business.