If you’re concerned about privacy or simply want to dodge some geographical limitations, using a VPN is a great choice. However, not every device has a VPN client to begin with (like your smart TV or gaming console, for example), that’s why installing a dedicated VPN router is sometimes a must.
The advantages of using a VPN router
Using a VPN router
There are few guilty pleasures more guilty or more pleasurable than spending a Sunday afternoon on the couch watching movies about people even less motivated than you are! If you are in the mood to watch slacker movies, we have the list for you (in no particular order, because that would take too much effort)!
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Although it
Nowadays, most films are judged by dollars and cents. In other words, regardless of how many bad scores they are given on Rotten Tomatoes, that bottom line dictates whether they are a success, and whether or not a sequel will be penned in.
Fortunately, we've been pretty blessed with the quality of movies over the course of 2016. In his regular columns,
How big a Star Wars fan are you? Well, I guess it is difficult to gauge, do you measure it by how many times you’ve watched the film, how much memorabilia you own or how much Tattoine you can speak. Gauging your level of fandom can be difficult, there are those out there that simply love Star Wars and there are those out there like Wendy Eber who are obsessed
Hi I’m Maya! Internet Geek Girl is a tech blog and deal hack resource for Womankind! Check back frequently for fresh content about all the nerdy stuff that’s usually only written for men.